Block a website address from opening in windows

Block a website address from opening

 in windows

this trick will be helpful for those who want to 

block access to particular websites on their 

system.  Parents can block certain websites from 

their younger ones. It can also be used in schools 

and colleges etc….Trick to block a website in windowsWell this trick is very 

simple and it goes this way.

1. Open MyComputer

2. Browse C:   (or your Operating system drive)

3. Browse Windows –>System32–>drivers–>etc

so the Location will be 


In the etc folder look for the file hosts

4. Open this file hosts with notepad.

5.  Locate the line localhost

6. To block for example, just 

add this text under  localhost:

7. Save the file.

In this way add any number of sites you want, 

however you will need to prefix it with 


Note:  This blocks the website from opening in 

any browser whether it is Mozilla Firefox or 

Internet Explorer